Hi! I’m Anson Alexander. Welcome to my space on the internet, AnsonAlex.com, where I’ve been sharing technology knowledge since 2011.
I’ve always been fascinated by the ways we interact with technology, from the complexities of macOS and Windows to the utility of Google Workspace and the art of typing efficiently.
I have a degree in International Business & MIS, have worked in IT departments, at an Apple Store, and have authored a number of digital marketing and SEO courses for LinkedIn Learning (LinkedIn account required to view).
“I have a passion for finding fresh ways to combine technology and education.”
Becoming a YouTube Educator
AnsonAlex.com began as a personal project to document my learning journey and share solutions to problems I encountered. Over time, it evolved into a YouTube channel, amassing over 50 million views and 240K subscribers.
I didn’t realize the reach and impact my channel would have when I first started; its success has solidified my commitment to providing educational content that is easy to find, straightforward to follow, and solves real challenges.
I’ve been lucky enough to reach millions of learners, but it’s the individual messages of thanks, the shared frustrations, and triumphs, that mean the most to me. Thank you to those who have supported me over the years.
Beyond The Computer Screen
When I’m not tinkering with tech, you might find me gardening, exploring a distant world in a video game, or enjoying time with my wife and son.
Throughout my daily life, I’m constantly reminded that there’s always something new to discover, both online and in the wider world.
I’m still learning every day.
Let’s explore the world of technology together, embracing the challenges and celebrating the victories, no matter how small. Thank you for dropping by, and here’s to our shared journey of discovery and learning.
You can submit tutorial requests using the form linked in the sidebar (at the bottom on mobile), reach out to me at webmaster@AnsonAlex.com or send me a message on LinkedIn.