Looking for some interesting statistics about smartphones including smartphone device market share and smartphone usage by age?
You’ve come to the right place! The infographic below provides some very interesting smartphone statistics that point towards smartphone and mobile trends.
See Also: Smartphone Usage Statistics [Infographic]
The primary sections of the infographic include:
- Device Ownership by Age Group
- Market Share of Smartphone Operating Systems
- Device Manufacturers Subscriber Percentage
- Statistics on Smartphone App Trends
- Smartphone Expenditures by Families
Highlighted Statistics About Smartphones:
- 25-34 year olds own more than 25% of smartphones in the U.S.
- iOS is currently the fastest growing smartphone operating system
- Samsung and ZTE are the World’s largest smartphone manufacturers
- Apple is the fastest growing smartphone manufacturer
- More than $150 billion was spent on smartphone media (apps, movies, music, etc.) in 2013
This Infographic is produced by Coupon Audit (provides Zappos coupon code) and AnsonAlex.com.
View more infographics from AnsonAlex.com.