Addiction is generally thought of as the state of being dependent on a particular substance or habit. Often times there are little positive implications of an addiction.
When talking about internet addiction however, there can be a lot of grey area in regards to when someone is addicted and when they’re simply using the internet as a tool to be successful or accomplish a task.
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You see, the problem is that the internet can be a very productive tool. Many of us work on the internet, study on the internet, learn how to cook on the internet and keep in touch with distant friends over the internet. None of these actions are detrimental to a person’s life unless they are taken to an extreme level. There is definitely a problem when internet use takes over your life and dictates everything you do.
So how can we distinguish between internet addiction and resourcefulness?
An infographic (posted below) was recently published by that provides us with some great statistics related to internet addiction in 2012.
Internet Addiction Statistics Infographic Highlights:
- Internet addiction is a disorder marked by “excessive, nonessential time spent online”.
- Internet addicts can experience 10-20% surface area brain shrinkage.
- Signs indicating internet abuse:
- Deteriorating social relations, home life or work performance.
- Feeling angry, depressed or restless when unable to access the web.
- Euphoric happiness from spending excessive amounts of time online.
- Lying about internet usage habits.
- 34% check their smartphone before getting out of bed.
- 21% wake up in the middle of the night to check Facebook.
- 27% check Facebook while on the toilet.

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