There is no doubt that internet usage is growing at an amazing rate. This is seen by the increase of dsl and t1 providers.
There is a lot of concern however, that internet penetration in industrialized nations will continue to grow at an exponential rate, but internet penetration in less industrialized nations may not be able to keep up.
See Also: What Happens Online in 1 Day [Infographic]
An infographic (posted below) was recently published by that provides us with statistics on the current percentage of internet penetration by continent or region and internet penetration growth over the last 10 years per continent or region.
According to the infographic, here are the World’s regions in order of highest internet penetration:
- North America (77.4%)
- Oceania / Australia (61.3%)
- Europe (58.4%)
- Latin America / Caribbean (34.5%)
- Middle East (29.8%)
- Asia (21.5%)
- Africa (10.9%)
According to the infographic, here are the World’s regions in order of highest growth percentage in terms of internet users between the years of 2000-2010:
- Africa (2357.3%)
- Middle East (1825.3%)
- Latin America / Caribbean (1032.8%)
- Asia (621.8%)
- Europe (352%)
- Oceania / Australia (179%)
- North America (146.3%)
Interesting fact: Despite Asia only having an internet penetration of 21.5%, they make up the largest percentage of WorldWide internet users at 40%.
Based on the statistics above, we can see that the regions with the lowest current percentage of internet penetration are also the regions in which internet penetration is growing at the fastest rates. It should be noted however, that internet penetration in Asia is not growing nearly as fast as it is in Africa, the Middle East and Latin America.