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Technology Usage Statistics of University Students [Infographic]

use of technology university students infographic

As other education related infographics have shown on AnsonAlex.com, technology use in academia is growing at an exponential rate.

It is important to pinpoint what specific areas of technology are most beneficial for the academic community.

An infographic (posted below) was recently published by OnlineColleges.net that provides us with a very granular view at the relationship between technology and education.

I was really surprised by some of the statistics presented in this infographic. The study was apparently done on American college students but additional details were not included.

The infographic contains information about the following topics:

  • College students’ most important electronic devices.
  • Faculty and student technology usage rates.
  • Usage rates for technology based on the particular class subject.
  • Percentage of college students with a broadband or wireless internet connection.
  • University students’ favorite and most popular websites.
  • The most essential software for college students.
  • Education related usage of social media.

Anson Alexander

I am an author, digital educator and content marketer. I record, edit, and publish content for AnsonAlex.com, provide technical and business services to clients and am an avid self-learner. I have also authored several digital marketing and business courses for LinkedIn Learning (previously Lynda.com).

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