The debate of whether or not the iPad and similar tablets will ever completely replace college textbooks has been buzzing around the technology and education sectors over the past few years.
Proponents of digital textbooks hope that they will be more cost effective and will provide some physical relief to students as they are not nearly as heavy as traditional textbooks.
See Also: Digital Textbook Usage Statistics [Infographic]
The cost of one paperbound college textbook can, at times, approach $1000. Digital textbooks require an electronic reader such as an iPad or tablet that can also end up being rather costly to students.
In the long, the question remains, “Are digital textbooks more cost effective than traditional textbooks?“
To help answer this question an infographic (posted below) was recently published by that provides us with some comparative statistics on using the Apple iPad as a replacement for traditional text books.
Will the iPad Replace Textbooks Infographic Highlights:
- Textbooks make up an $8 billion market, E-Books only account for a $268.3 million market.
- More than 600 schools have programs that provide iPads to students.
- Public schools in Chicago have spend almost $500,000 on iPads for students.
- The Apple iPad has 64% of the tablet market share.
- As of January 2012, 24% of individuals between the ages of 18-29 own a tablet device (only 6% in 2010).
- iBooks costs no more than $15 each.
- Digital textbooks require additional setup costs (iPad, keyboard, case, etc.)
- Used textbooks can be sold back for cash.
- E-reader textbooks cost, on average, 39% less than print textbooks.
- As of right now, e-books only save students about $12 per year.