My YouTube estimated earnings are not showing up in AdSense.
If you’re one of the thousands of YouTube publishers that have noticed this, don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Previously, YouTube estimated earnings have been displayed in Google AdSense under the label “Hosted AdSense for Content.”
Generally, estimated YouTube earnings have been displayed in AdSense in nearly real time. As YouTube views and advertisement clicks occur, Google AdSense would accurately display the earnings associated with those events.
YouTube, however, recently released a blog post entitled, “We’re simplifying earnings reporting for all partners,” YouTube explains that estimated YouTube earnings will now only be available from directly within the native YouTube analytics area.
YouTube boasts that their native analytics has become increasingly robust and they feel that it will make things easier for their publishers.
The caveat is that estimated earnings from YouTube will only be available 24 hours after the end of the day. This means that to see your estimated earnings for April 1, you need to wait until the end of the day on April 2.
Hopefully YouTube is continuing to make the analytics feature more robust because, as it stands right now, this is a huge downgrade in publishers’ ability to report on advertisement earnings.
Rest assured however, that publishers’ total estimated earnings in AdSense will still include YouTube earnings but that publishers will have to wait 24 hours after the end of a particular day for that day’s earnings to be included.
YouTube also ensures that there will be no change in the way that publishers are paid.
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