Home > Tech News > YouTube Commenting System – Why NOT To Hate It

YouTube Commenting System – Why NOT To Hate It

The YouTube commenting system has frustrated many YouTube users but there are some that absolutely can’t stand they YouTube commenting system released by Google.

When it first came out, users were upset because they are forced to link their Google+ and YouTube accounts, the new sorting options made it seem that it will be harder to find certain comments (in reality, it wasn’t) and that users couldn’t reply to some comments on YouTube (which is discussed in depth in another one of my YouTube videos).

Although these concerns were definitely valid, it appears that, in the long-run, the new YouTube commenting system has done a better job of managing these concerns than the old one and YouTubers can finally enjoy certain commenting features that they’ve been deprived for years!

YouTube has been known for years as having some of the poorest quality comments on the internet. This alone, is one of the reasons that YouTube users couldn’t post links in comments. In reality, links on YouTube could really enhance the service and add value to it if those links were credible and related to the topic of the video.

By implementing a commenting system that holds users responsible for their comments, YouTube users can now add links to their comments. This feature alone make the new commenting system update on YouTube worth it!

It is also understandable that YouTube users want to retain their nicknames instead of using their real names. Users can now create additional YouTube channels for their account to retain their brand name / nickname. A lot of users would like to remain completely anonymous on the internet but those days of cyber anonymity are over. Holding people responsible for their cyber actions makes the internet a safer and more constructive environment.

Users can still disagree with each other and debate over particular topics but those debates should be constructive instead of just being meaningless rants.

Google has chosen to integrate all of their others services together and, if you’re using one of Google’s free services, then you’re at the mercy of Google. There are plenty of other options out there on the web if you’ve had enough of Google,

I personally think the commenting system is pretty good and that it will continue to help make YouTube a more valuable and reputable social sharing platform.

My main issue is with spam comments. As a YouTube creator, I try to go through as many comments as I can. I know many spam comments are automatically flagged but many also filter through the cracks.

The main one I’m currently seeing people posting comments with an Instagram username advertising private services. I have a couple of videos on how to recover hacked accounts and those videos are constantly spammed with ads for private hackers. It has started to get out of control and I hope that YouTube is working on a solution.

As always, if you find this video helpful, I would really appreciate a thumbs up and you may also want to think about subscribing to my YouTube channel.

Anson Alexander

I am an author, digital educator and content marketer. I record, edit, and publish content for AnsonAlex.com, provide technical and business services to clients and am an avid self-learner. I have also authored several digital marketing and business courses for LinkedIn Learning (previously Lynda.com).

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