If you’ve installed the AddToAny WordPress Plugin you may have noticed that the standalone twitter button doesn’t @mention the owner of the blog. By having your twitter name mentioned when people click the tweet button on your website, you can gain a lot of insight on who you readers are.
Heres how to add your Twitter name to your AddToAny standalone Twitter button:
- Navigate your your theme’s plugin’s folder and find the “add-to-any” folder.
- Open the add-to-any.php file.
- Find this line of code:
'http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html? url=' . $linkurl_enc . '&counturl=' . $linkurl_enc . '& count=horizontal&text=' . $linkname_enc, 100);
- After
- Make sure your code looks like this except with your twitter name instead of AnsonAlex:
'http://platform.twitter.com/widgets/tweet_button.html? url=' . $linkurl_enc . '&counturl=' . $linkurl_enc . '& count=horizontal&via=AnsonAlex&text=' . $linkname_enc, 100);