“While looking over a Facebook profile, the page will jump while scrolling and refresh back to the top of the page.“
The problem of Facebook continuously refreshing and jumping while scrolling continues to affect users from time to time despite continuous updates from Facebook. It can be very frustrating and make it impossible to use Facebook and load profile pages.
If you’re experiencing this bug, it’s likely that many other users are as well. It may be a bug from a recent Facebook update and Facebook should work to fix the issue.
There have been some reported fixes, however, so here is what you can try to get Facebook to stop refreshing:
Let the page load completely before scrolling
Although there is no certain solution for this problem, a common cause is when users are not waiting for Facebook pages to fully load before beginning to scroll.
If you are experiencing this problem, make sure you waiting for the entire page to load before scrolling down. Once the page is loaded completely, it should no longer jump while scrolling.

Try another browser
There have also been reports that the problem is happening mainly with users of Edge so you may want to try switching your browser to FireFox, Safari or Google Chrome.
It is also plausible that a future updates could affect any browser so if you found this page and you’re already using Chrome, it’s still a good option to try some of the other browsers before moving on to other solutions.
I’ve had confirmation from many readers that switching to another browser to use Facebook solves the issue.
It has also been reported that if you use Facebook on another browser for a little while, you should be able to switch back to the original browser and the jumping / scrolling problem will be resolved.
If you don’t want to do that, you may have wait for Facebook to patch the bug or try one of the other suggested solutions below.

Disable smooth scrolling in your browser
Edge and Chrome users have also reported that disabling the smooth scrolling feature has resolved the problem, at times. Follow these steps:
- Open up either Edge or Chrome.
- In the web address bar type either (depending on your browser:
- Search for Smooth Scrolling in the search box at the top.
- Click on the dropdown to the right and change it to Disabled.
- Relaunch your browser.
Note: This option is only available for Windows, Linux, ChromeOS, Android, Fuschsia and Lacros users.

Reset your browser’s zoom level
Users have reported that having your browser zoomed in or out can cause Facebook to jump around and refresh.
To reset your zoom level, while in your browser, press ctrl + 0 on a Windows computer or cmd + 0 on a Mac computer to reset it to 100%.

If you have any additional details about the Facebook scrolling and refreshing problem please send me an email so we can help others troubleshoot the problem.