After upgrading to Facebook Timeline, Facebook users’ old posts will be available to the public – even if they were only available to friends before upgrading.
Unfortunately, not many people are aware of this and are still posting everything publicly. My girlfriend. mom and boss were all posting everything to the public for weeks on their Facebook Timeline profiles before I notified them.
The first thing you need to do to avoid this situation is to “view your Facebook profile as public” to see which of your posts are actually available to anyone in the World.
In addition to the video tutorial above, this article will show you how you can view your Facebook Timeline profile as public:
How to View Your Facebook Profile as Public
Once you have done that, now it is time to change the visibility of your past posts. The following method will, with once click, make all of your old posts only available to your friends:
Make Old Facebook Posts NOT Public (Friends Only)
After you’ve done that, you’re Facebook profile is now much less transparent. You need to make sure that you’re aware of who is going to see your status updates when you post them from now on.
It may help to set the “default visibility ” for new posts on Facebook.
Go back to your Facebook Privacy Settings and find the section labeled “Control Your Default Privacy“.
Make sure you click the radio dial labeled “Friend” and then save your changes. After doing that, new status updates that you post will only be available to your friend unless you manually change the setting.
There are a number of other factors that you need to consider after updating to Facebook Timeline and the following article should cover the rest of the bases for you.
How to Prepare Your Facebook Profile for the Timeline Update
Make sure you share this post and video with all of your Facebook friends to ensure that they also protect their profiles.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please post them in the comments sectio below!