Home > Tutorials > macOS – Add / Remove Dock / Toolbar Icons [Video]

macOS – Add / Remove Dock / Toolbar Icons [Video]

You can add and remove icons from the dock / toolbar in Mac OS X by dragging the apps on and off of the bottom toolbar or by rick clicking on an app in the toolbar.

The video above presents a detailed instruction on the different ways to add and remove toolbar icons in Mac OS X.

It is important to note that the right side of the Mac OS X toolbar is reserved specifically for folders and the left side of the toolbar is reserved for apps.

In later versions of OS X, users must drag and hold an app for a second or two before it will drop off of the toolbar this. This feature helps to ensure that users don’t accidentally remove toolbar icons.

See Also: Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcuts Cheat Sheet For All Applications [Video]

Users can also right click on an app in their dock, hover over the “options” link and then click “remove from dock” to remove an app or folder from the dock.

When adding apps to the OS X dock, users can drag an app into place and choose were in the dock they would like the app to be listed.

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Anson Alexander

I am an author, digital educator and content marketer. I record, edit, and publish content for AnsonAlex.com, provide technical and business services to clients and am an avid self-learner. I have also authored several digital marketing and business courses for LinkedIn Learning (previously Lynda.com).

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